Cristal 6.3

Free complete financial accounting system
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6.3 See all
Pulinadan Infotech Pvt Ltd.
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During the course of our R&D work in the field of Man-Machine Interfacing several times we faced the problem of presenting control/data input information to the inexperienced user in such a way that he/she need not dive into a voluminous instruction manual in order to figure out the significance of the widget. Over the years we systematised and abstracted our experiences so that we could present abstract ideas to the user through the medium of GUI widgets simply by following a set of guidelines.

The result of the coming together of this expertise and our deep knowledge of financial systems is Cristal - a Financial Accounting Software system par excellence. Cristal is intended to be the solution for a complete financial accounting system with Inventory control and other requisite features. The good part? You can select those features that you want. Cristal is available in different flavours with/without multiple company option, with/without multiple branch option and so on. Additionally we have comprehensive graphical reports covering almost every concievable facet of analysis and from these reports you can obtain information about the current position of the company, past trends, future possibilities etc.

A few features of Cristal Financial Accounting System:
Multi-company/Multi-Branch system.
Gives an exact picture of the assets and liabilities of the organization.
Works on multiple screens at any time.
Menu driven structure with Master, Transaction, Report and System menus.
Treeview for chart of accounts and entry screens.
Bills payable and recievable.
Bank reconcilation.
Project cost analysis.
Ratio analysis.
Aging analysis.



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